2 hardware offerings
Evaluation and Development Boards
PN5180 NFC Frontend Development Board for POS Terminal Applications
Evaluation and Development Boards
NFC Antenna Development Kit
Please check the new online NFC Antenna Tool for tag and reader devices.
The PN5180 is a high-performance full NFC Forum-compliant frontend IC for various contactless communication methods and protocols. It is optimized for POS terminal applications, allows to achieve compliancy to EMVCo 3.1 analog and digital and implements a high-power NFC frontend functionality, which allows achieving EMV compliance on RF-level without additional external active components. The independence of a real-time host controller interaction makes the PN5180 a good choice for systems, which operate a preemptive multitasking OS like Linux™ or Android.
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Part numbers include: PN5180A0ET, PN5180A0HN.
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2 hardware offerings
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