This third generation of automotive-grade EV power inverter control reference design is an ASIL D architecture for 800 V Silicon Carbide (SiC)-based traction inverter including following changes:
- Migration from MPC5775E MCU to S32K39 MCU with higher processing performance to execute low latency control loop
- Migration from FS65 SBC to latest generation of Safety System Basis Chip with low power fit for ASIL D FS26
- Migration from GD3160 gate driver to GD3162 with dynamic gate strength to improve efficiency for SiC MOSFET. Also this device include new system feature such device health monitoring and DC discharge features
- Migration to IEEE 802.3bw compliant 100BASE-T1 Ethernet interface TJA1103 PHY
- Migration to the TJA146X transceiver with CAN Signal Improvement Capability (SIC) reducing signal ringing on network and enabling 5-8 Mbps running network
Accelerating time-to-market: This reference design aims to accelerate, de-risk and simplify customer design by providing system solution collaterals such as optimized hardware, complete software offer and extensive documentation like system-wide application notes.
Designing with safety: The extensive safety documentation include an ASIL D in-context safety application that leverages the extensive NXP know-how and all safety capabilities provided by the HW and SW components.